This was too cute not to include! I can see how American Girl products could get addicting. Luckily Lauren had an outfit that already pretty much matched the doll (not that she doesn't think she needs MORE matching outfits). Just in case anyone has girls who might be moving out of the American Girl stage (Sarah) just feel free and send any of the stuff our way. :)
I put this wonderful black towel that we were given (thanks huy :) over the back of the couch and had the girls quickly sit down for a picture before church a few sundays ago - I must say, I was impressed with the results. Lauren really wanted to have her American Girl in the picture since their outfits matched - of course it was hard to get her to look at the camera - 2 out of 3 isn't bad though.
Nalani and Sarah came down for a fun filled weekend of shopping, talking and eating. We had to do our typical self-portriat. We have probably taken at least one picture like this each year for the past 15 years! We really need to make a little photo album - we'll leave that up to Sarah.
On top of Sandia Peak in Albuquerque (what you can't tell from the picture is that the wind is blowing 25mph and it is -14 degrees) - too cold for Texans!
Omi and Opa gave Lauren an American Girl doll for Christmas, then a few days later we visited the store (as you can see we did more than just "visit"). It was more than Lauren could have hoped for - she just loved the whole experience!
Omi took us to a very special dinner at the American Girl store. We were served a four course dinner complete with a tea set for the doll and a little "treat seat" for the doll. Lauren was in 7th heaven!!
We all went to Legoland in San Diego. We had a really fun time, I was just AMAZED at what they could build with legos. The replica of NYC was SO cool!
Check out the baby made out of Legos in the stroller - they thought of everything!
Lauren's favorite statue was definately Dora - it really was impressive!
Lily looks longingly at the kids on the rides "Oh, if only I could scare myself silly on that one!"
Opa and the kids having fun at the beach.
Are you trippin'? Yes, we actually DROVE to L.A. for Christmas. There's a first time for everything - right? (notice there is no mention of a second time - who was it that said to find joy in the journey??? I am still trying.) All kidding aside - the drive really wasn't that bad, as long as Ty and I wore ear plugs at all times. The week that followed made the whole drive worth it, we had a great time in Cali.
We have good friends that live 3 hours away, this year we met half way do to our little Christmas celebration. We all had a fun time but neither of us could stay long so the trip was SHORT! The reason this picture is a blur is because we only saw each other for 2 seconds. :)
My mom and I met in Provo to help Alexa get ready for the holidays.After wrapping presents for hours on end we all started to go a LITTLE nuts. A BIG thank you to Jed and Nalani for helping us AND for letting us stay with them!
Ty's family all met here for Thanksgiving we had yummy food and a fun time together. Cole's face says it all!
The Clark Cousins take a moment to pause for a quick picture.
On a very sad day in November my grandmother "MiMi" passed away. We remember her with great fondness.