Tuesday, April 17, 2007
School Play
Fun times at School.
Lauren's teacher sent me the cute bubble picture, in the e-mail she said "Lauren was so excited to play with the bubbles you would think she had never seen them before.....you have let her play with bubbles, haven't you?" Little does she know that she really may be onto something there - after all bubbles are a bit messy. JK. That was for all the readers who think I am a clean freak. I will say there was a time when that was true but I let go of that notion years ago........... seriously. :)
We went to "Stingray City" in the Cayman Islands. Let's just say its a little unnerving to have 20 or 30 Stingrays swimming around your legs. I thought I would be able to remain calm...no such luck. Good thing no one had a video camera to document my hysteria! Our guide told us to be careful and wash the squid off our hands because the stingrays would latch on to wherever they smelled the squid - that was my cue to rub the squid all over Kim's arm. I have never seen her move so fast in my life - too bad she got it washed off before the string ray latched onto her arm. That would have been some AWESOME footage!
Finally...cell phone reception!! It was SO funny to see everyone with their cell phones on the minute we hit the coast of Florida. Good thing we were only in reception for 8 hours otherwise I think I would have been on the phone (with one of the kids or my mom) the whole cruise.
You could add tree climbing to my list of talents except for the fact that I really couldn't get down from the tree and the bark was really rough. Good thing everyone didn't see this as an opportunity to leave me stranded!
This was our first "formal" night on the ship - the second formal night I wore jeans. Lessons learned. :) The best part of the evening was that we could order ALL the entrees if we wanted and ALL the desserts - I think I ordered all the desserts every night because, well, why not???
This is us (and a few of our closest friends) at the Southernmost point in the continental USA - only 90 miles from CUBA - we could see immigrants swimming in. JK!
We thought the ship looked so pretty at night. (I'm not sure if it was really all that pretty or if we were just so excited to see it after all the interesting transvestites we saw in Key West).