Tonsil Time
Lauren had to get her tonsils and adenoids out last Friday. She was sure brave when they wheeled her away. It helped that the nurses just ate her up - they thought she was the cutest thing they had ever seen.
Another bonus was the portable DVD player they had there - she was so engrossed in Barbie Mermaidia that she hardly batted an eyelash when they told her it was time to go - but not to worry she could take the movie with her in the bed.
The doctor said that her tonsils and adenoids were very large and when she was finally all healed that she would notice a huge difference with being able to breathe.
It has been a rough couple of days for her since the surgery but one thing I have learned is that she isn't much of a complainer when it comes to the pain - its the taking of the pain medicine that causes the complaints! Hopefully she will have a speedy recovery!
The girls
We had a fun time visiting with Alexa and her family. We saw a few movies, went to Seven Peaks (Alexa and I even went on the Boom-a-rang), ate out and did a little shopping. Lakehouse was one of the movies that we saw - its a bad sign when you leave a movie, go straight to the computer and search for an explanation as to the meaning of it. I am still confused by it. We also saw You, Me and Dupree - I like Kate Hudson so maybe that helped but we thought the movie was cute and funny!!
GG and the Grandkids
We tried our hardest to get everyone to look but it was to no avail. The group of grandkids is getting pretty big now - and Tyler and Madison aren't even in the picture. There are a total of 9 grandkids now!
Fun at the Falls
We took a little trip up to BridalVeil Falls - the kids always love to go there when we are in Utah. Somewhere along the line on one of our trips between Idaho and Utah the kids got confused with the name of the waterfall - they call it Bridaho Falls. I believe that is a combination of Idaho Falls and BridalVeil Falls. We can't seem to convince them otherwise.
Bird Watching
Lily took time out of her busy day to watch the birds and the squirrels through the window.
When we were in Blackfoot we got to spend a little time with Tyler, Madison, Megan and Matt. (unfortunately we forgot to take a picture with Matt and Megan in it) Cole and Lauren had fun playing with all of them. I couldn't believe how much they had grown!
Making Smores was a favorite night time activity. I am not sure what the kids enjoyed more, catching their marshmellows on fire or eating them. Cole would definitely say that his favorite thing was watching the squirrel (that Meg killed) burn.
Catchin' Some Air
The boys (Ty included) couldn't get enough of the 4 wheelers. Cole and Daniel loved to see how high they could go when they went off the jumps - Cole liked to take it a step further and let go of the handle bars when they were in the air. It's a good thing we all practice proper safety advice and wear helmets, huh?
4 wheelin'
We really aren't old enough to be turned loose on a 4-wheeler - but we did it anyways. The first time up a big hill was actually a bit scary. For a moment I seriously feared for our lives. It sure was fun though!
Bathing Beauties?
Although we may all look relaxed, Sarah and Nalani really weren't. Initially we were tied up to the dock but the bugs seemed to be worse by the shore so I un-tied us from the dock (while they had their eyes closed, relaxing) and we started drifting towards the damn. Nalani was particularly worried since we have had one too many bad canoeing trips together. Not to worry though, I rowed us back to safety.
The boat crew!
Katie (Sarah's oldest), Daniel (my nephew) and Cole had a fun time on the boat. Although none of them wanted to be pulled on the tube - I think Grandpa's crazy driving last year scared them a little. They decided that jumping off the docks and going in the paddle boats was more their style.
Up, up and away!

We flew to SLC and then Nalani and Jed picked us up and we drove to Island Park. I think by the time we arrived it was 3am (4am for us). The kids didn't sleep more than 10 minutes in the car. They were talking, giggling, telling jokes, etc. the WHOLE way. It was all fine for the first 2 or three hours, after that we all started to grow weary. Luckily Jed and Nalani were good sports!
A visit from Opa
Since we don't live close to either of our parents, its always a special treat when one of them visits. The kids were excited to see Opa, unfortunately he was only able to stay here for a day and Omi didn't get to come, but we are happy to be able to see him for any amount of time. Omi sent some really cute clothes for the girls (they are both wearing one of the outfits that she got them). We are looking forward to seeing both of them soon!
First Fireworks!
Lily was fascinated with the fireworks. Luckily there were a few that went off before the real show because by the time it got dark, Lily was "done" watching.
After getting hit with pies - the dads lined the kids (the brave ones) up and threw water balloons at them. Some of the balloons were thrown pretty fast, maybe in retaliation from the pie throwing? It was all part of the fun and games on the 4th!
Pie Throwing Contest

The kids lined up in front of their dads and threw (or walked up and smashed) the pies at their faces. Ty was relieved that we only had 2 kids who were capable of throwing pies - unlike some who had 5 kids throwin pies! It was funny to watch and the dads were good sports.
Pie Eating Contest

The kids went first and had a great time! Although they did have stomach aches afterwards, I'm not so sure they will be eating pie anytime soon..... maybe I should try this tactic with some of their favorite junk foods? The moms were nominated to finish up the pies.Cole had to make sure that I got my entire face in the pie (notice the picture) so he held my head down! I really don't feel the same about coconut cream pie as I used to. UGH!