Tears and Cheers!

School is back is session! I didn't know whether to cry or shout for joy - so I did both. Well, I really didn't cry but if Lauren would have started to cry I would have had to exit quickly before she saw me break down. Cole had a great first day - he is in class with his best friend so all is well in his world. Well, that is until the spelling tests start up and the homework gets going full force. His teacher is new to the school and pretty new to teaching. She is young and energetic, Cole seems to like her already. The big thing this year is that the lockers are in the hallway! Cole was bummed that he didn't get locker #41 - but he felt good about the fact that he was one locker over from Jack, his best friend.
I was a little worried about how Lauren would do because she is a bit of a homebody. Even though she went to preschool 4x a week last year she still wasn't entirely ready to go all day, every day. It is a long day - we leave the house at 7:30 and she gets done at 2:45 but, Cole isn't done until 3:45 so will stay at the school and help Lauren and Cole's teachers with whatever they may need. So, by the time we got home today it was 4:15.
Lauren has the same teacher that Cole had and she is WONDERFUL. They started off the day doing an experiment with sprite and mentos. Mrs. Jammal asks the kids what their prediction was before she put the mentos in the pop and then she questioned them afterwards to see why they thought it exploded. Several kids thought it may have been b/c of the sugar in the pop - so tomorrow she is bringing diet pop - imagine their surprise when the explosion is even bigger! Lauren had a fun day - she was very excited to see Cole in the lunchroom. When I asked her how her day was she said that it was good and she felt really good because she helped out a little boy in her class that was really sad and missed his mom. She said she was able to cheer him up. That's my Lauren - always a helper!!